Friday, August 14, 2009

The Druzhba Ball

Friday morning Sergey came and got Alexandra and took her out to Camp Druzhba. The rest of us found a new coffee house. Breakfast was good but the most important feature was that we all got menus! Four of them! It has been our experience in every other restaurant to only get 2 menus. Thursday night they even took one back after they gave it to us because someone else came in and sat down and neeeded one.

After breakfast, Roman and I went shopping for a towel and a couple of t-shirts for a boy at camp. Sounds easy but think again! We found towels but the t-shirts would have to wait. The woman at the bath and bedding store was fascinated with me and Roman. We visited with her for some time about adoption and America. There was another elderly lady there as a customer and she asked Roman "they do not beat you?" The store clerk answered, "No, they do not beat him. Can't you see she is a good Mama and takes care of him?" When we left she invited us to come visit with her again sometime.

After Sergey returned we headed back out toward Starribilsk. We stopped and got bananas and plums for the kids at camp. When we arrived we were happy to see them playing their board games. We went back out for lunch to Paradise and the boys went to the shooting gallery again. Gabrielle and I went shopping and found the 2 t-shirts we needed. Thank you, Staci! He was very appreciative. We also threw in a DVD. He loves movies. He had never seen Hancock and since the boys liked that one, its what we got.

We had taken Mall Cop for the kids to watch as well. After we got back from town, it was raining, raining, raining and they all settled in to watch the movie. Since we had seen it already, we left a little early. I went on out to camp Druzhba to get Alexandra and ended up staying for church and the Ball.

Shane and Marilyn had the first dance. It was so sweet. Everyone was all dressed up except for me and Alexandra! Still, we both tried our hand at waltzing. Or shall we say our feet! In Ukraine they teach everyone ballroom dancing in school! I have never learned to waltz. Shane tried teaching me but then Ben Mcdonald stepped in. He said having shane teach me to waltz was like having him teach me Russian! Alexandra and I decided that we are going to take ballroom dancing lessons when we get back to America. By next year's ball, we should be able to keep up with the dancing Ukrainians!

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